This release is an absolute labour of love, every sample was collected personally from various digging spots in Japan last summer and upon his return he fired up his trusty S950 to create this wonderful release - Alecs in Japan.
There is a huge number of styles and influences on display that are packed in over the 14 tracks ranging from folk-rock to straight up Boom Bap - there's pretty much something for everyone to enjoy. I find it great to bump in the whip or in the background on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Bristols's own Alecs DeLarge is quickly becoming one of my favourite beatmakers who's style fits in nicely somewhere in between that vintage golden era sound and the present day. His expert use of such a unique sample collection to finely craft beats into something fit for the future is a joy to listen to.
Definitely worth picking up...
Digital copies are available here for £5

Words by One9Ate7 - Exclusively for
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